OilJobFinder Job Center Banner

Results: 1567 Jobs
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Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462004 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Company: Suncor Energy Inc.
Fort McMurray - Base Plant
Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462005 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Company: Suncor Energy Inc.
Fort McMurray - Base Plant
Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462006 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462007 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462008 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Maintenance Planner
Company: Suncor Energy Inc.
Commerce City
Query SELECT *,  if( complex_enum IS NOT NULL, concat( id,':', complex_enum ) , id ) id FROM listings_properties WHERE object_sid = 12462009 : 
Table './ojfweb_sjb/listings_properties' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed
Process EIT
Company: Suncor Energy Inc.
Fort McMurray - Mildred Lake
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